10. You don’t have to worry about cheating, since we recognize that no two girls/guys can ever occupy the same state. 9. We can remember all the major anniversaries, ± 365 days. 8. We know how to use Latex properly. 7. We know how ...Read More
DOPUNA: Od danas (9. septembar) server konačno radi normalno. EnotchNetworks je živ, a podaci su u potpunosti vraćeni 🙂 Od četvrtka, 3. septembra do juče ujutru sajt, email i svi ostali servisi u potpunosti su bili nedostupni. Problem je nastao zbog DDoS napada na ...Read More
Lep i slikovit prikaz podele sukobljenih strana, sa jedne onih koji tvrde da je čovek sleteo na Mesec a sa druge onih koji tvrde da je to samo laž. Neko sigurno laže, a ko? Zaključite sami ...Read More
1. An object in motion tends to stay in motion There is no such thing as a temporary program. 2. Two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time You cannot do testing or development in a production database. 3. If an ...Read More