Necu da prevodim… mislim da svi razumeju:
TOKYO — KDDI Corp will launch a fiber-optic communications service with upload and download speeds each of up to one gigabit per second on Oct 1. The new service will target people living in single-family homes and low-rise apartment buildings. The traffic speeds will be the fastest in eastern Japan, up drastically from the current 100 megabits per second.
KDDI will charge 5,985 yen (~$57) in basic monthly fees for Internet and telephone services, down 1,155 yen from the current price, if a user subscribes for two consecutive years.
A gde smo mi…. od pre par dana 1024/128 kbs = 1300 din mesecno. Slicno…
Ja ne mogu ni da zamislim kako to radi. Pitam se da li cu doziveti tu brzinu.
Kod kog provajdera je ova cena?
Bice valjda i kod nas jednog dana….
To je cena na SBBu, tacnije 1390 din. Pre desetak dana su duplirali brzine.
Dobro je da nam dolazi SATA III za koju godinu inace zaista ne znam sta bi japanci 🙂