Once more the International Workshop for Astronomy e.V. is engaged in organising an astronomical youth camp for young people from all over the world, the “International Astronomical Youth Camp” (IAYC). I am writing to you as I think you, the readers of your magazine, or the members of your club could be interested in hearing about the IAYC that this year will take place in Korbielow, Poland.
In case you also got this email last year, and helped us in spreading this information, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support. The IAYC 2008 that took place in Sayda, Germany was a big success and we spent 3 fantastic weeks with our articipants! This year we will go for the first time ever to Poland! The camp house will be a stunning mountain hotel in Korbielow, a place near the Slovakian border. We hope we can count on your support again to spread the word of this years camp.
Every year, for more than 40 years now, the IAYC takes place somewhere in Europe. About seventy people from many different countries live together for three weeks. They are from 16 to 24 years old and share the same interest: astronomy. The IAYC is different from most astronomical camps for two reasons: the international character and the fact that each participant does her/his own small research project, not just accepting facts but rather discovering them him/herself. The IAYC is also not like a hotel where one follows a summer school or an astronomy course. Every participant with his or her own cultural background forms an important piece in the complex puzzle of camp life.
Below this a-mail you will find our official announcement of the IAYC 2009. In case you have the possibility to publish this announcement in your club magazine or distribute it in any other way among the members of your club, we would appreciate that very much.
If you have the possibility to include a picture to this, feel free to browse trough our photo album <http://www.iayc.org/photoalbum/> or have a look at <http://www.iayc.org/astro.php>.
In case you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
With kind regards,
The International Workshop for Astronomy e.V.
Klaas Vantournhout, President
e-mail : klaas@iayc.org
Announcement of the IAYC 2009
IAYC 2009, August 2nd – August 22nd
45th International Astronomical Youth Camp
Hala Miziowa, Korbielow, Poland
The International Astronomical Youth Camp (IAYC) 2009 will take place in southern Poland, near the small town of Korbielow at Schronisko na Hala Miziowa, a mountain hotel in the Beskid Zywiecki district which is part of the outer Eastern Carpathians. The house is situated close to the 1557 meter high Pilsko mountain being the second highest peak in the region, and to the Slovakian border.
The IAYC is an international youth camp with participants from about 20 different countries. As a participant you work for three weeks in one of the 8 working groups – together with other young people – on astronomical projects. The projects vary from night-time observations to theoretical problems, depending on your own interests. The working groups will be led by young scientists from the IAYC team. The IAYC 2009 will offer a wide range of working groups and topics, ranging from ancient astronomy, introduction to astronomy and physics and practical observation groups to computer simulations, CCD photometry and data reduction; there will be something for everyone from the very beginner to the ambitious student.
Apart from the astronomical program, there are many non-astronomical activities such as group games, sporting events, singing evenings, hiking tours and an excursion. Since it is an international camp, the camp language is English. You should be able and willing to speak English throughout the camp. It is not necessary to speak English fluently.
Anyone from 16 to 24 years old and able to communicate in English may participate in the IAYC 2009. The fee for accommodation, full board and the whole program, including the excursion, will be 570 Euro. For interested persons who are in the situation of not being able to pay the camp fee themselves, a limited number of grants is available.
Detailed information about IAYC 2009 con be found in our first info which is available at <http://www.iayc.org/next/> or if requested can be send to you by postal service. If you have any questions or wish to be notified when more information becomes available, please contact:
Ana Brajovic
Svetog Save 20/1a
11000 Beograd
tel.: +381 642623182
e-mail: info@iayc.org