U četvrtak, 03. marta 2022. godine sa početkom od 19h, održaće se online predavanje
Cultural Collisions Srbija – sudar nauke i umetnosti
Predavač će biti prof. dr Michael Hoch iz CERN-a.
„Cultural Collision“ je program multidisciplinarnog karaktera koji prikazuje povezanost nauke i umetnosti i ima cilj da probudi kreativnost i pruži drugačiji pogled na nauku. Zasniva se na jedinstvenoj saradnji naučnika, umetnika, profesora i studenata čiji je rezultat bolje razumevanje nauke, kritičko i kreativno razmišljanje. Organizator programa je Origin nastao od strane CMS-a ( eng. Compact Muon Solenoid ). Program je uspešno sprovedem u Kanadi, Nemačkoj, Švajcarskoj i Austriji.
Predavanje će biti organizovano preko Zoom platforme na adresi
Apstrakt predavanja: Cultural Collisions is a novel cross-disciplinary science engagement, networking and education programme designed to stimulate the interest of high school students in science by introducing the methods and concepts of art and creativity into their standard science studies. It is based on a unique collaboration of international, national and local partners (scientists, artists and educators), using modern communication tools which in particular facilitate the participation of in city base or rural communities. It provides access to and is supported by science centres and museums through workshops and exhibitions. Students were supported by a unique collaboration of their teachers, local artists, local and international scientists, and demonstrated strong interest and enthusiastic engagement. Their commitment and efforts have resulted in an enhancement of their skills, an improved understanding of big science questions, scientific methodology, and an enhanced ability to discover creative solutions to complex problems. Furthermore, the programme demonstrates that the creative approach to engage on scientific topics encourages an increase in the participation of girls. The program is organized by ORIGIN/CMS following the Cultural Collisions methodology of previous successfully disseminated programs in Canada, Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
Više informacija možete naći na sajtu Cultural Collisions – Serbia.
Pored prezentacije „Cultural Collision“ programa, biće reči i o budućim aktivnostima kao što su virtuelna poseta CMS-u sredinom marta 2022. godine i učešće na 11. kongresu Balkanske Unije Fizičara koji će biti od 28. avgusta do 1. septembra 2022. godine u Beogradu.
Predavanje organizuju studenti Departmana za fiziku PMF-a u Nišu, u okviru aktivnosti Young Minds Niš sekcija Evropskog društva fizičara.