10. You don’t have to worry about cheating, since we recognize that no two girls/guys can ever occupy the same state.
9. We can remember all the major anniversaries, ± 365 days.
8. We know how to use Latex properly.
7. We know how to extremize the action, and derive the equation of motion from the action.
6. We understand that the 3 body problem has no closed-form solution, and that it can easily lead to chaotic motions.
5. If the relationship doesn’t work, we can always renormalize.
4. We know that size DOES matter, otherwise we wouldn’t have invented quantum mechanics.
3. We understand relativity, the fast we go, the longer we last.
2. No matter how far you go, our wave functions will always be there with you.
1. The bottom line is, we can prove our love to you, both theoretically, and experimentally.
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