Ghost Town (Song about Chernobyl)…. Pre vise od dvadeset godina, 25. aprila 1986. godine desila se najveca nuklearna katastrofa na nuklearnom reaktoru. Mnogo toga je vec receno o tom uzasnom dogadjaju. Najveci utisak na mene ostavio je sajt sa fotografijama iz “grada duhova”. Fotografije je snimila jedna devojka iz Ukrajne, vozeci motor kroz ovaj grad u kome je stalo vreme.
O događajima koji su se odigrali tog tragičnog aprilskog dana možete da pročitate u tekstu: 26. april 1986, Černobilj – Da se ne zaboravi.
Takodje, snazan utisak ostavlja i pesma Ghost Town, koju su snimili Huns & Dr. Beeker u znak secanja na ovaj dogadjaj:
There was no way they could have known that morning
That they awoke upon a fateful day
The killer wind came down without a warning
and no one had the chance to get away
The firemen were brave they fought with honor
But the blaze was more than it appeared to be
And one by one they fell beside their comrades
The victims of a foe they could not see
Mama where are you – Papa where did you go
And where are all the children who used to play here
Only heaven knows
What they saw defied all explanation
Someone said the trees were glowing red
They say the light came from the radiation
But maybe it’s the spirits of the dead
Gone the homes the gardens and the playgrounds
Gone the souls who made their livings here
They say this place will always be a ghost town
It will be for at least six hundred years
stvarno covece, kad pogledas sve te slike… sve je bilo normalno i tog dana, deca trce, vencanja… sve uopbicajeno a odjednom BUM i vreme stane… a tek ovi "bio roboti", jbt dali im kecelju i lopatu i idi zatrpavaj jezgro…